I find myself wondering this week that I am being tested. I have sunk deeper into myself of late, remembered who I am more profoundly. I have been learning how to love things with less attachment, and have the courage to leave my heart open despite the risk. I am learning to turn shit into fertilizer, to put it another way. I have felt...happy. At peace. Despite the mystery that yawns before me and the broken path and burned bridges behind me. And I am being presented with a challenge this week.
Bridge Rapids on Beaver Creek (not the Dumoine). As a friend said recently "We'll burn that bridge when we come to it." |
River paddling is often about finding the quiet water that lies in the midst of the maelstrom. To hit the glassy black tongue between rooster tails and standing waves, however narrow it might be. At times, often when we are paddling more challenging rapids, we end up off line, in a place all our scouting from the shoreline did not reveal. We are faced with the need to execute "plan B". Here we are required to be fully present in the flow and pay attention to what is emerging from moment to moment, and respond with whatever skill and precision we have learned on our journey.
If I have hurt you I see that, and am sorry. If you have hurt me, thanks for the shit, it's proving to be rich ground for growth.