I can tolerate much drama in those around me and stand firm and calm in the face of it. And I can forgive those who chose not to heed the deep and resounding call of the heart's desire at my expense. But in the end it tires me, sucks up my motivation, and sends me flying off in other directions. I hope it does, because I want to catch a spark once more. I tire of this staying put, at least in the sense that it requires a more focussed tolerance for mediocrity than I perhaps possess.
I looked at myself today and can see that I am verging on the edge of something. One of those times when the urge to shift gears, to re-evaluate, and touch in with something more visceral and fiery is looming. Maybe something as simple as letting go of the small security blankets that I hold close. These scraps of time and commitment that have the illusion of keeping me anchored perhaps only serve to starve the embers.
Let's gather firewood. We'll light a fire on the mountain. ~ Pablo Neruda