Wednesday, 6 August 2014


I am sitting in an airport. Reflecting on the uncertainty that seems to be what life is all about. I am wondering right now whether anything is ever truly 'certain'.
We humans seem to like order, sense, meaning. We like to catalogue and file and take the scattered shards of things and put them back together. If that doesn't work we sweep them up and throw them away. We just can't abide anything open-ended, unresolved or unresolvable sitting out in plain view.

I am not sure why this is so, but I certainly feel the urge to find order and meaning and closure in things. But I am resisting that urge. When the mind returns once again to 'figure it out', explain something that has no explanation at present, something that is not closed or clear, I am just working on staying put. Allowing the mind to have a visit, but sending it on it's way again, past this messy pile of fractured experience. Perhaps it is allowed to pick up a piece or two, examine it, put it back down or maybe fit two previously unmatched pieces together, like a jigsaw puzzle. But it is not allowed to linger or force the cardboard images together in frustrated organization. Not allowed to force sense and order into something that as yet has neither. Learning to accept that there may never be answers to some things, that letting go and passing the rubble with kindness and a light hand is the biggest work in life.

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