It's about pausing. Not pushing.
Resting. Being in place. Waiting. Allowing. Forgiving.
Live a forgiving life.
Remember that below all the sadness, imagined betrayals, outrages, anger, despair, is love.
That's it. That's all. The root of it.
It doesn't matter whether it's 'deserved'. Because it always is. Everyone, everything is deserving of love. Your love. Mine.
This is not to say that you must be loving whether it is deserved or not. Or that you must be loving towards the world in general whether you feel it or not. What I am saying is that do not stop yourself from it.
Forgive yourself, quickly, and just let it happen.
Time is of the essence. Is essence. You must allow it to steep, yourself to steep, once in a while.
Feel it.
You are lucky if you do.
I feel it. And feel tortured, but also blessed to be landing here.
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