Ink the screen with thoughts alone, black on white, the illusion of words made real by their emotional bones. These scripted shapes have weight and truth when infused with the light of feeling. They are steeped in it.
I have discovered, or am discovering that when the mind has found no explanation or solution to life's mysteries, it is time to give up thinking. All the questions will continue to go unanswered because the answers are not sitting out in plain sight, they are not earthly perhaps. They cannot be grasped, or held at this time.
So it is up to the heart to understand, as it did in the beginning. In every beginning I have ever known. I knew what was up and what was happening long before the mind got hold of it, and will continue in this way. I knew there was a wait in store that could span lifetimes. Knowing that the heart acknowledges no timeline and has a wild tolerance for ambiguity. Trusts the territory where reason and logic have no hold, where intuition and the body's wisdom are paramount. The only truth tellers.
Now to learn to listen.
Hold off on conclusion, 'understanding' and any certainty that seeks to inhabit a physical form.
I knew all this in childhood, before that. I was infused with a connection to what is light and good. That despite everything, and all that was to come, all would be well. I knew too that there would be darkness.
Now I need to listen more carefully at the beginnings, and honour what I know to be true, despite the internal or external pressures otherwise. And always be open to getting it wrong.
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