This waxing full moment, turned red with the smoke of wildfires.
I am wondering at the memory of a year passed.
The unfolding mist bent through a lens of
A sea change, cast through an ocean swell
Like a fisherman's lure
Trolling the depths unseen.
All things reorganized, reorganizing themselves.
Even now
We have not found the end of this arc.
We have become different, unrecognizable even to ourselves.
In our hellbent ways of un-pausing, non-stopping,
An unfurling tapestry of constant movement.
Of not waiting.
Overflowing with desire to fill this unending ocean,
To put an end to our own fathomless wanting.
We yearn for once to stay put,
To find a kind of stasis
That only exists in the mind.
To stake a claim in the illusion of a beginning and an ending
We abandon ourselves.
A quiet heart is the only one to remain still,
Able to ride on this tidal flux,
Bending and cresting and diving deep
As each phase of the moon tilts unknowingly towards the next.
Wow. B E A U T I F U L. Some stunning lines in here. Feeling this one.