I ended my work today, enlivened by the ways in which the dots keep connecting. Purposeful and inspired. In my office-y days I stumble across poetry, Rumi even. In this world of speed and disconnect, of desk-sitting and computer-staring I find strains of life seeping into the edges of every mundane thing. Re-animation in a de-magicked universe.
Most of my mornings start with ocean walks, evenings are rich with people and movement, and slow solitude. I revel in the salt and forest-imbued air of my chosen home. I find myself returned yet again to a state of loving what is, a full recovery of a piece of me that was lost and shattered. Adrift for a while, but now arriving lightly to ground. Over these years on this island I have come to know that I am a temperate girl at heart; in moments at the mercy of the turbulence of high altitude wind, spindrift racing across a moving sky. At others rooted like the ancient trees that still remain. I have found a homeplace in the darkness and the light, at peace but not untouched by the constantly shifting tides.
Tonight the rain washes the streets clean of a long seasons' detritus, falling with the pure sounds of revelation and absolution. The dog insists that 10km is not enough, the feathers of his tail and the whites of his impish eyes challenging my insistence to sit still. More play is needed. Sometimes he is right.
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