There were two of us,
I'm not sure who you were
My companion.
Both of us afloat on the lightest of boards
Upon the ocean's surface.
It was calm
As we paddled out to sea.
A wall of water was coming.
Monstrous and dark,
It's crest curving inexorably
Over a distant promontory.
As we watched it
Racing towards us
At great speed belied by volume.
A Tsunami
Readying itself
To engulf the world
Behind us.
We were like
Specks of dust in its path.
Still, we paddled out
In no hurry,
To meet the giant swell,
As it rolled on,
Beginning to break
A thousand feet above our heads.
There would be no time
To escape it now.
Any ideas we had of reaching
Deeper water
To avoid being caught
Clearly futile.
With soft hands,
We plied the glassy surface
On our way to the maelstrom.
Even though it was a dream,
I felt my mind
Quietly searching for a
My pulse steady.
My body calmly
Bracing for the hit.
Musing about
What to do,
How to swim.
To let go of the flimsy board
That was keeping me afloat
Or not?
Even as the wall

Bearing down upon us
I considered my options.
Aware of you
Still there beside me.
When it came,
There was
A moment
When I was still thinking.
Forming useless plans.
I felt some part of you
Glance off of me
As we were taken
By the crush of liquid.
I remember
Letting go of any idea
Of control.
An act of will,
To surrender
Just before
I let the ocean have me.
All went dark.
Our tiny bodies at the mercy
Of the briny
I am not sure
How much time had passed
When I awoke
To the slight roughness of
Damp sand
Against my face.
Just enough heat
From the sun
As it tried to
Bend its way around the clouds.
Beginning to dry me
And you.
The sea now lapping against our feet
As we found ourselves
On solid ground.
Delivered by the
Power of
Letting go.
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